Le Fornaci


Le Fornaci Lugana Trebbiano

Lett drikkelig, ingen etterbrekning. Tørr men søt.
God balanse syrlig/bitter.
Ettersmak; 4/5
Balanse; 5/5
Kompleks; 3/5
— a month ago

Castellari Bergaglio

Gavi del Comune di Tassarolo Fornaci Gavi 2016

Acacia flower, wet wool, moss, slight vegetal, apple, pear. Felt much more neutral in the palate, was a tricky wine to call blind. — 6 years ago

Ron liked this

Umberto e Marisa Tortorella

Fornaci di Sotto Colli Senesi Sangiovese Blend 2013

This was THE BEST bottle of wine I have ever had the pleasure of drinking. So smooth, velvety and above all NOT EXPENSIVE. — 8 years ago

Tiffany liked this