Für 13,50 nur knapp sein Geld wert. — 3 years ago
Smooth, with pineapple tropical hints. Mixing with grapefruit, lime, sugar syrup and bitters. But obviously did a shot first too, just to get the lay of the land. — 5 years ago
Fresh, creamy, flowery ... everything is fitting so well together. Immensly satisfying balance for a very fair price! — 2 years ago
Was hoping for a fruit-punch, light bodied red, but got that and so much more. This wine is earthy and Smokey. Mezcal came to mind right off the bat. Great acidity and a small amount of tannin to provide a bit of a gripes albiet juicy finish — 6 years ago
Complex-mez @ SG Bar Tokyo — 6 years ago
Brandon Boesch
Big bodied and a lot of fruit. Some cocoa as well. Better than the Pinot. — 8 months ago