Niizawa Jouzouten

Niizawa jouzouten

Hakurakusei junmaiginjo

Get as a substitute for Wandering@Port Julius — 2 months ago

Niizawa Brewery

Zankyo Super 8 Junmai Daiginjo

Best sake I ever tried! I'm not an expert, but it was incredibly smooth. I was told it comes from the polished rice grain they use... — 8 years ago

Mara H MoretBarbara CoppelAlejandro Hank Amaya
with Mara, Barbara and 2 others
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Niizawa Jozoten

Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo Sake

William Tigertt

Hakurakusei — 12 years ago

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Niizawa Jozoten

15 Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo Sake

— 2 years ago

Niizawa Brewery

Zankyo Super 7 Sake

Sometimes our customers are very generous with us, and let us taste some of their exquisite purchases. This is Zankyo Super 7 Sake made by Niizawa Brewery in Miyagi Prefecture. It is called Super 7, because the rice polishing involved leaves 7% of the rice grain intact. Incredible. It takes 350 hours of rice polishing to achieve a level of 7% remaining and 93% removal. Niizawa Brewery tried making this sake using Yamadanishiki rice (the “standard” rice for making many premium sakes), however, the Yamadanishiki kept turning to dust! The solution was for them to use Kuranohana rice, which is very hard on the outside and porous on the inside. Having this sake being milled to 7% the brewers had to create special sifting equipment with almost imperceptable 1mm holes to keep the Kuranohana from disappearing. The result is Sake that is complex, but light on the palate, with notes of honeydew, coconut water, warm, expansive, dry (with a honeyed finish), and textured. This was undeniably delicious. — 7 years ago

Severn, Conrad and 8 others liked this
Brian Boothe

Brian Boothe

What’s it gonna take to get a perfect score on a Sake?
Veronica Castro

Veronica Castro Influencer Badge

Hahaha! Omg, you’re right.
Brian Boothe

Brian Boothe

Just giving you a hard time. I’d love to try this Sake some day.

Niizawa Jozoten

10 Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo Kuranohana Sake

Tsuyoshi Enoki

Hakurakusei High Lebel rice polishing Limited Junmai daiginjo / Niizawa jouzou/ Miyagi prefecture/ Kuranohana/ rice polishing ratio: 10% — 7 years ago

A, Ichiro and 2 others liked this
Tsuyoshi Enoki

Tsuyoshi Enoki Influencer Badge

But too high ratio doesn’t have much meaning because of structure of rice. The important thing is to remove rice envelopes for brewing sake clear and beautiful. Ingredients of rice, protein makes sake rich but dirty, and because it is contained at the envelope but core part.
30% ratio is enough to make it clearer.
Brian Boothe

Brian Boothe

Very good analogy. As an F1 fan I completely understand. I am aware that there is a Sake on the market polished down to 1%. Pride plays a major role indeed. I also wondered where the sweet spot (%) was for polishing rice. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insight.
Tsuyoshi Enoki

Tsuyoshi Enoki Influencer Badge

I’m glad to have comments and messages.

Niizawa Jozoten

Hakurakusei Tokubetsu Junmai Sake

I need to school myself on sake. No time like the present to start! — 10 years ago

Christopher liked this