

Amarone della Valpolicella Corvina Blend 2015

Dense ruby dress. Candied, roasted, spicy nose. In the mouth it is thick, with a soft touch. Notes of candied fruits, dried raisins, prune, cocoa, vanilla, caramel, licorice, mocha, flowers and perfumes.. great aromatic intensity. Do you like modern wines on purity and not very interventionist? It's pretty much the opposite! Can be associated with cheeses of character, as well as desserts. Last but not least, it is a wine that is self-sufficient and appreciates itself very well.

Robe rubis dense. Nez confit, torréfié, épicé. En bouche c’est épais, avec un toucher doux. Notes de fruits confits, raisin secs, pruneau, cacao, vanille, caramel, réglisse, moka, fleurs et parfums.. grande intensité aromatique. Vous aimez les vins modernes sur la pureté et peu interventionnistes? C’est à peu près tout l’inverse! Pourra s’associer aux fromages de caractère, autant qu’aux dessert. Enfin et surtout, c’est un vin qui se suffit à lui-même et s’apprécie très bien tout seul.
— 2 years ago

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San Rocco Ripasso Valpolicella Corvina 2013

Geoff Troup

Bold. Very spicy at first and heavy, a little unlike ripasso. Softens some with air, keeps the spice, but becomes a bit more fruit forward as I expected. — 8 years ago