One of the remaining 10 bottles in Korea. Wasn’t decanted and too strong. Wish I were more sober. #yjnapavelley #yjcalifornia #yjcabernetsauvignon #yj2009 — 6 years ago
It’s been many many bottles since I posted. Every now and then I’m the right mix of sober to remember to post here. I liked this. Thanks to Chris Cree for allowing me to try 6 new bottles a month! — 10 months ago
Sometimes you’re at the PA/DE state line and staring down two bottles of Spanish red for paella night and you gotta figure which one you want to drink semi-sober and which one is gonna be that probably hammered nightcap with Sanf. When you make the right pick it’s so damn rewarding. — 4 years ago
Had at a big birthday bash - super fun wine for the occasion. Funky, sweet, and fizzy. — 6 years ago
Strong but surprisingly easy to drink and remain sober. 😉 — 2 years ago
Very good. Drank it in Carmel during Gail's birthday bash. — 2 years ago
Sho-nuf I like my chateauneuf! Wild, floral, but muscular and strong.
Usually, I try to pay attention during wine tastings, but honestly a lot of the time I am just imagining how well I would do in American Gladiators. Especially the early 90s version. (When I was a young and impressionable kid.)
I thought Malibu was an idiot and I knew I could take him out in the jousting competition, though I was certain Nitro would bash my head in with a pipe pretty quickly. Diamond... she scared me. The intense lipstick reminded me of some horrible creature of the night in search of blood. I preferred Lace. In fact, I really preferred Lace. (The first version: Marisa Pare. Not the later Lace played by Natalie Lennox Merritt.) I imagine the reason I have a penchant for wild tangled hair now is because of my infatuation with American Gladiator Lace when I was 4-7 years old. When I was younger, I would often imagine battling with Lace. As the events got more intense she would throw herself on top of me in frustration and we'd roll down the gladiator pyramid, making out in a heap of sexual energy and wild animalistic thrusting.
But I digress.
This wine smells like Lace. — 5 years ago
Devin B
Tryna stay sober through the evening. Fig, bacon fat, leather, plenty of eucalyptus and mint, a bit of oregano and cherry/pomegranate on the long finish. Wow! — 8 months ago