2006. Great at 10 years — 9 years ago
When you are entertaining Russians it is incumbent upon you to drink California wines. Firstly they do have a specific niche in the wine world and secondly no matter how overpriced -- go murica!
The wine itself is exactly what you'd expect from a California cab, big mouthfeel, a bit sweet, a lot of fruit. — 9 years ago
I find the label tacky, but that shows what Russians think of Americans 😉
Strong Ethel nose but so damn clean — 4 years ago
Here's to White Russians! I've gotta say after my first day in Chicago I'm enjoying almost everything about this city. I'd like to think I can run a big wine program someday in a big city so here I am, gandering around town enjoying a new culture all together. Watched the Cubs lose tonight with some friends I made✅ had deep dish pizza✅ I'm a block away from Eataly so the Italian wine reviews are coming😎 — 7 years ago
Whoa! First time I’ve had a wine and “nutty” seemed an apt description. Very flavorful and easy on the palate. Had at The Orsay with Merriweather and the Russians. — 6 years ago
The Russians love it....it has a sweetness on the finish which successfully walks the line between being cloying and making the wine interesting — 8 years ago
Deeeeeelicious! — 11 years ago
garry post
Delicious, crisp, cool, lovely. Citrusy, minerality, a dash of honey. Leechee nuts? Melons.
Putin announces a partial military draft to prop up Russia's failing war of aggression against Ukraine. It finally sparks protests and men of draft age try to flee the country.
We don't hate Russians, we hate Putin's murderous, imperialist war.
And this wine is refreshing and peaceful. — 2 years ago