Me gusto bastante, tuvimos suerte de que lo consiguieran para nosotras! — 6 years ago
If nonvintage port were not sickly sweet and had a tannic bite. This is a bit woody but quite enjoyable. As a liqueur, takes everything I usually hate about wines: Parkerized, Oak-laden, heavy and lacking acidic punch, hot from EtOH and perceptible residual sugar - and turns it into something quite lovely and seamlessly enjoyable. The back of the bottle says it's made with Uruguayan tannat in the style of a vintage Port — 8 years ago
100% Tannat Uruguayan dark ruby red, dry wine — 2 years ago
Amazing wine for a reasonable price. In nose feels strong, what you validate in mouth. Plumb, crunberries and a long, balanced bouquet. — 6 years ago
6 USA business associates were in Uruguay and had this wine (& 2 other different bottles) during a long business meeting. Most of us instantly commented that it was very good to excellent. We all commented on the pepper notes similar to many Zinfandels. Excellent product from Uruguay. . — 7 years ago
#tannat bem rico no paladar - amadeirado e bem encorpado - e no cheiro - de frutas vermelhas, especialmente morango. Também tem notas de cacau e é um excelente custo-benefício. — 9 years ago
2013 Toscanini Sangiovese-Syrah blend, 80-20...a perfect blend. This is a refined wine from the estate Castellani family near the Tuscan coast. Aged in barriques for 12 months obviously adding to the subtle but deep berry full flavor. Not to be confused with the great Castellari Tuscan wines but still an excellent blend, full-bodied for a blend with dark red berry overtones .... overall very smooth, a mouthful of dark red Italian vino. Will buy again. — 6 years ago
Classic white with an oily taste. Lovely — 6 years ago
Francois J M E-Z
Drank it at the hotel Regency Way with dark chocolate. Really tasty, woody, fruits and well rounded. Ale luved it gusto mucho. Muy Buen gusto es suave no raspa — 3 days ago