Great wine. Love that's it's from Brazil. Soft on the tannins but got some deep complexity. — 10 years ago
Crisp light such an easy drinking refreshing wine — 6 years ago
I don't mean to break Delectable with this one, but I'm finishing this 1874 Madeira's final paradisiacal drops as I write this and trying to get my astonished jaw back in normal position. Opened it for special guests tonight, steeling myself for a could-have-been or perhaps a 6 or 7. It is close to a 10. Medium body yet willfully concentrated. Pungent sea air mixed with caramel . Has electric acidity (still). Harmonious and clean on its eternal finish. Beguiling and kaleidoscopic, like falling into wine version of the wormhole in the Jodie Foster movie Contact. — 10 years ago
Slightly acidic, with soft, rounded edge. Not too dry, not too sweet. Well-balanced, tasty blend. — 7 years ago
fun to drink with food, holds up alone if needed. drank this with cheese, bread, chips and guac. random snack table. wine has peppery red fruit pleasant flavor and great mouth feel. — 9 years ago
Ótimo vinho nacional, esta edição nasceu da união de 7 vinhos distintos, formando assim um vinho misterioso e inovador. — 12 years ago
Klaus Denecke Rabello
De cor vermelho brilhante e reflexos violáceos. No nariz, intensidade própria de varietais: cereja ácida, morango e cassis se fundem em perfeita união com a baunilha trazida pelo carvalho francês de tostado médio. Na boca, sente-se persistente e elegante, perfeitamente equilibrado, amável, doce e delicado.
Servir entre 16° e 18°.
Vale realmente a pena. — 6 years ago