Given to me as a gift. A vineyard I am not yet familiar with but now interested in tasting more! — 4 years ago
17.5/20 (93/100) Приятный, комплексный букет: на первом плане орехи, за ними изюм, финики, имбирь, корица и песочное печенье. Тельное с умеренной кислотностью. Во вкусе появляется дополнительная нота булки бриошь. Сплошное удовольствие! — 5 years ago
Complex, deep, nutty, new aromas every minute in the glass — 5 years ago
Caramel, walnut, brown bread, a hint of liquorice. Wonderful, although slightly too much alcohol for my tastes. — 6 years ago
Unusual Fino, aged for an average of 8 years. Quite intense nose with aromas of almonds and a hint of caramel. Powerful. Bitter notes — 4 years ago
2020 fall. Really nice, balanced, moreish palo cortado, and outstanding for the price — 4 years ago
Great surprise. Flowers in nose wake up your memories from a spring's field. Fresh, young, great company for light pasta. — 6 years ago
rafal federowicz
i just love this wine <3 — 2 years ago