From high altitude Etna--alpine in nature. Yet seaside too. Raw cow'a milk, lemons and black currants hanging ripe and ready for the picking. Excellent with our left over Indian food. Not too far of a cry from Sicilian dishes. #exotic #etna #alpinewine #mountainwine — 11 years ago
Whispers of snowy hillside, spring blossom, sanguine summer heat, smoky autumn. Spices and cranberry make perfect Thansgiving wine. #turkeywithstuffing #arpepe #alpinewine — 11 years ago
Chris Paul
Wine Educator Copain Wines
Great bubbles from Italy. Toasted brioche, Meyer lemons, and white flowers. Would be a great bottle to try again several years down the road. #saberit #bubbles #alpinewine — 10 years ago