
Green & Red Vineyards

Catacula Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2016

Surprisingly good! Took a gamble and won. Not too sweet. Nice fruit. Good acid and minerals. #birite — 4 years ago

Elian Da Ros

Côtes du Marmandais Abouriou 2012

I love me some Abouriou, but last year's (2011) was much better. Still blasting through this bottle. 😌 #birite — 9 years ago

Mont Gravet

Côtes de Gascogne Colombard 2017

Mixed feelings! Sometimes lovely flavors, sometimes cloying. Hard to tell if I like it or not. #birite — 6 years ago

Bow and Arrow

Air Guitar Cabernet Franc Cabernet Sauvignon 2014

Disappointing. Doesn't hit the mark it's aiming for. #birite — 9 years ago

Crosby Cellars

California Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

Good $10 bottle from #birite. Jammy and easy to drink. Not the most interesting, but certainly would drink again. — 9 years ago

Folk Machine

Central Coast Pinot Noir 2016

Darkly fruity, almost smoky. Good Fogust evening drinking. #birite — 7 years ago

Domaine Le Pas de l'Escalette

Languedoc Carignane Blend 2014

Kind of blackberry-ish but not in a fruity way at all. Super good. #birite — 8 years ago