Mason Balistreri
Sommelier, International Wine Guild; Balistreri Vineyard; Sales, Joy Wine and Spirits
I'm thinking about selling all my shit and moving to Corsica. I probably wouldn't last long since I have no language skills. #kermitlynch #rose #rosewine #corsica #corsicanwine #corsicarose #dryrose — 7 years ago
Scott Hopkins
#flxwine #dryrose Pinot is certainly discernible — 9 years ago
#flxwine #dryrose — 10 years ago
Not normally my favorite grape but a very nice example of a flx dry rose #flxwine #dryrose — 10 years ago
Mason Balistreri

Sommelier, International Wine Guild; Balistreri Vineyard; Sales, Joy Wine and Spirits
I'm thinking about selling all my shit and moving to Corsica. I probably wouldn't last long since I have no language skills. #kermitlynch #rose #rosewine #corsica #corsicanwine #corsicarose #dryrose — 7 years ago