
Jean-Paul Daumen

Chateauneuf-du-Pape Red Rhone Blend 2012

Another impressive bottle from #glassful We've enjoyed our first two shipments. — 9 years ago

Audrey LooTricia Loo Rohrs
with Audrey and Tricia


Burgenlandred Zweigelt/Blaufrankisch Blend 2012

Fruity, zesty, spicy. Yum! #glassful — 10 years ago

Erin Grimm

Erin Grimm

2012 Vintage

Mauro Veglio

Barbera d'Alba 2013

Very acidic, green even. The tartness mellowed out after a couple days but still not for my taste. #glassful — 10 years ago


Dry Pinot Grigio

Delightfully surprised to see this is pink. 2nd bottle I've tried from our #glassful shipment. Dry and refreshing. — 10 years ago

Tricia Loo Rohrs
with Tricia
Michael liked this
Michael Smith

Michael Smith Influencer Badge

Orange actually. Those are super fun!

Gonzalo Gonzalo

Gran Cerdo Rioja Tempranillo

My first wine from #Glassful, pretty solid start. — 10 years ago

Tricia Loo Rohrs
with Tricia
Spinning_spins liked this


Lo Sfuso di Collina Cabernet Franc

Loved the unexpected beer bottle cap! Unfiltered yet smooth. First glass was a bit too cold out of the wine fridge, but flavors opened up after it warmed a bit. #glassful — 10 years ago

Patty Grimm

Patty Grimm

You need a fancy decanter!! 😉