My buddy @Mike R and his lovely wife drove all the way out to the sticks to meet me and my daughters on our country vacation and we met at a little diner and brought a few wines to share....I meant to bring the ‘13 Scarecrow but mistakenly grabbed the ‘14 because of the damn tissue wrap. No worries with the vintage mix up—it absolutely shined bright like a diamond as did Mike and Rhonda who immediately make you feel at ease and happy when you see them. The Scarecrow was resplendent in dark chocolate, Jamaican coffee, rich soil, smoke and buoyant sweet purple fruit. Astonishing purity, acceleration through the mid palate and a very lengthy velvet coated finish. Superb performance for such a nascent wine and the company was beyond compare. @Mike R drove me home to my farm afterword and we hit a deer (it and his car are OK) on the way and we ended the evening shooting off fireworks on the back porch. Pure country goodness. — 7 years ago
Bill Bender

My buddy @Mike R and his lovely wife drove all the way out to the sticks to meet me and my daughters on our country vacation and we met at a little diner and brought a few wines to share....I meant to bring the ‘13 Scarecrow but mistakenly grabbed the ‘14 because of the damn tissue wrap. No worries with the vintage mix up—it absolutely shined bright like a diamond as did Mike and Rhonda who immediately make you feel at ease and happy when you see them. The Scarecrow was resplendent in dark chocolate, Jamaican coffee, rich soil, smoke and buoyant sweet purple fruit. Astonishing purity, acceleration through the mid palate and a very lengthy velvet coated finish. Superb performance for such a nascent wine and the company was beyond compare. @Mike R drove me home to my farm afterword and we hit a deer (it and his car are OK) on the way and we ended the evening shooting off fireworks on the back porch. Pure country goodness. — 7 years ago