
Sine Qua Non

Résisté California White Blend

Complex, big, intense. #omg — 5 years ago

James liked this

Louis-Benjamin Dagueneau

Blanc Fumé de Pouilly Sauvignon Blanc 2012

Can't even figure out how to describe this wine. #omg #amazing — 9 years ago


Ma Petite Francine Cabernet Franc 2012

Erin Pooley

Holy #apluswine batman! This is the future of Australian wine. #omg — 11 years ago

Barraco (Nino Barraco)

Milocca Nero d'Avola

#omg late harvest nero d'avola passito, ruby Marsala chestnut barrel insanity #VinidiVignaioli2016 — 8 years ago

Riddley liked this

Dehlinger Winery

Estate Bottled Goldridge Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012

#omg delicious #pinotnoir #Dehlinger.....
Red cherry and field herbs on the nose;
Tart cherries and red currants on the palate with a little tiny bit of savory herbs.
#RussianRiver #yep #Christmas
— 10 years ago

Michael Hankinson
with Michael

Morlet Family Vineyards

Ma Princesse Russian River Valley Chardonnay 2012

#omg one of the best chards we've had in a while. #morlet does an amazing job, honey, caramel, and butter but not overly heavy despite the 14.2% alc lvl. #amazing #drinkbuyreapeat Opened in honor of my princesses. — 9 years ago