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Denominazione di origine controllata e garantita (DOCG) Generell ein wenig zu schwach, entfacht jedoch sein volles Potenzial zusammen mit defitgem Essen. Sehr gut zu Speck und/oder scharfer Pasta. 5,40 € in Süditalien #Palinuro #italywine Julia: It's red. Harvey: It's got alcohol in there and it's made of grapes. Serena: I can't drink any wine anymore. — 3 years ago
Janek Kräuter
Denominazione di origine controllata e garantita (DOCG)
Generell ein wenig zu schwach, entfacht jedoch sein volles Potenzial zusammen mit defitgem Essen. Sehr gut zu Speck und/oder scharfer Pasta.
5,40 € in Süditalien
Julia: It's red.
Harvey: It's got alcohol in there and it's made of grapes.
Serena: I can't drink any wine anymore. — 3 years ago