“Before decanting- or even much of a breathe- the ‘15 Rocca Delle Macie, Chianti Classico Riserva floats right off the glass as if it knew it’d be opened soon. seriously - this is one of the more lush and powerfully expressive Chianti’s I’ve experienced. While blackberries and hints of cherry find their way to the nose- there’s something else there that, even after thirty minutes studying my little book of aromas- I cannot pinpoint! It’s an earthy-yet youthful, “sandstone-y” type of aroma. Which I’m sure doesn’t exist but, whatever- that’s what I got. And very, very much am digging. There is a notable roundness to this wine- both in the nose as well as on the palate. The finish is long and kind of “unwinding” other flavors I missed along the journey of the swig. For its price in particular, I would even invite staunch fans of Brunello Di Montalcino to have a go at this beautifully-expressive & precocious Chianti Classico Riserva from Rocca delle Macie. #PublicofRidgewood, #PublicofPrinceton, #chianti — 5 years ago

Chris Zitzman

“Before decanting- or even much of a breathe- the ‘15 Rocca Delle Macie, Chianti Classico Riserva floats right off the glass as if it knew it’d be opened soon. seriously - this is one of the more lush and powerfully expressive Chianti’s I’ve experienced. While blackberries and hints of cherry find their way to the nose- there’s something else there that, even after thirty minutes studying my little book of aromas- I cannot pinpoint! It’s an earthy-yet youthful, “sandstone-y” type of aroma. Which I’m sure doesn’t exist but, whatever- that’s what I got. And very, very much am digging. There is a notable roundness to this wine- both in the nose as well as on the palate. The finish is long and kind of “unwinding” other flavors I missed along the journey of the swig. For its price in particular, I would even invite staunch fans of Brunello Di Montalcino to have a go at this beautifully-expressive & precocious Chianti Classico Riserva from Rocca delle Macie. #PublicofRidgewood, #PublicofPrinceton, #chianti — 5 years ago