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Alpenglow head with pink salmon tinges. Creamy crop with teardrop stylized baby fauna lacing. Bright clementine-lemon nose that smacks of unfrosted cinnamon roll, lemon pecan sandies, and honey, with lime oil, and dried pineapple. Suddenly, racy lemon and orange aggressively burst forth from behind a malty waterfall, elbowing Earl Gray in his Milquetoast-maker, before knocking seven bells out of his breadbasket and butternut. Flavorful despite a decidedly violent streak.
David Kline
Alpenglow head with pink salmon tinges. Creamy crop with teardrop stylized baby fauna lacing. Bright clementine-lemon nose that smacks of unfrosted cinnamon roll, lemon pecan sandies, and honey, with lime oil, and dried pineapple. Suddenly, racy lemon and orange aggressively burst forth from behind a malty waterfall, elbowing Earl Gray in his Milquetoast-maker, before knocking seven bells out of his breadbasket and butternut. Flavorful despite a decidedly violent streak.
#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewery #topplinggoliathoktoberfest #oktoberfest #limitededition #oktoberfestlager #lager #IAbeer #decorahia #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 7 months ago