
Pollak Vineyards

Estate Grown Monticello Petit Verdot 2014

Alishia had this 7 years ago

Velma, Serge and 1 other liked this

RdV Vineyards

Rendezvous Red Bordeaux Blend 2011

About as fine as #vawine gets. Glad I didn't have to pay for it. — 8 years ago

Jim liked this

Fabbioli Cellars

Loudoun County Cabernet Franc 2015

Alishia had this 8 years ago

Velma, Serge and 2 others liked this

Veritas Vineyard

Monticello Sauvignon Blanc 2015

Plenty of grapefruit and citrus flavors up front. This is a nice light to medium bodied wine with hints of pear, summer herbs, and stone on the finish. Very well-made. #veritaswinery #invinoveritas #vawine — 9 years ago