Acústic Celler
Priorat Ritme Tinto Carinyena-Garnatxa Blend

#Vinisud - What a lovely sample from Priorat, Garnacha and Carignan grapes. Plenty of red fruits flavors and a fresh persistence. I love it.
#Vinisud - What a lovely sample from Priorat, Garnacha and Carignan grapes. Plenty of red fruits flavors and a fresh persistence. I love it.
Feb 26th, 2014
Dark ruby wine. Nose of stinky granache, leather plum. Subdued initial taste that ramps to candied vanilla currant and peaks with peppery alcohol. The alcohol is strong in this that lingers for a while. The taste improves with time (alcohol working or evaporating or just actually tastes better??).
Dark ruby wine. Nose of stinky granache, leather plum. Subdued initial taste that ramps to candied vanilla currant and peaks with peppery alcohol. The alcohol is strong in this that lingers for a while. The taste improves with time (alcohol working or evaporating or just actually tastes better??).
Apr 14th, 2013