Does not pair well w chocolate chip cookies ;)
Does not pair well w chocolate chip cookies ;)
Sep 17th, 2014
Thought this would be past it’s prime, but really drank nice with - wait for it - Chinese food!
Thought this would be past it’s prime, but really drank nice with - wait for it - Chinese food!
Jul 28th, 2018
Smooth, full. Remarkable consistency over vintages. Always buying more.
Smooth, full. Remarkable consistency over vintages. Always buying more.
Feb 13th, 2016
Nov 23rd, 2015
Seriously good Oregon Pinot
Seriously good Oregon Pinot
Nov 20th, 2015
Well rounded, well balanced, boring, overpriced
Well rounded, well balanced, boring, overpriced
May 1st, 2015
I suspect the single vineyard BFs are the way to go. This was clunky and hot.
I suspect the single vineyard BFs are the way to go. This was clunky and hot.
Feb 9th, 2015
Exactly what an Oregon Pinot Noir should taste like.
Exactly what an Oregon Pinot Noir should taste like.
Sep 9th, 2014
Very fruity heavy cherry up front, like pine bros. Wild cherry cough drops. Pleasant for cocktails but did not hold up to the heavy slow roasted lamb breast for dinner
Very fruity heavy cherry up front, like pine bros. Wild cherry cough drops. Pleasant for cocktails but did not hold up to the heavy slow roasted lamb breast for dinner
Jul 1st, 2014
Unfair tasting. Had Kosta Browne '07 to compare. BF is light and bright. Fruity red cherries. A bit thin in comparison to the more robust and attractive KB.
Unfair tasting. Had Kosta Browne '07 to compare. BF is light and bright. Fruity red cherries. A bit thin in comparison to the more robust and attractive KB.
Jun 30th, 2014