As soon as I had my first sip (after just tasting the current, 2014 vintage and not loving it as much as I remembered), I wanted to prolong my relationship with this bottle. Like embarking on new love, you want to pause time and spend as much of it together as possible--both relishing each moment and absorbing and continuously replaying every little detail.
As soon as I had my first sip (after just tasting the current, 2014 vintage and not loving it as much as I remembered), I wanted to prolong my relationship with this bottle. Like embarking on new love, you want to pause time and spend as much of it together as possible--both relishing each moment and absorbing and continuously replaying every little detail.
May 23rd, 201744 year old vines, firm tannin, tart cherry
44 year old vines, firm tannin, tart cherry
Jan 3rd, 2015