Definitely the oldest wine I’ve have from Dugat-Py. Normally these wines are beasts but this has quite a bit more elegance than I was anticipating. Presumably due to the age. Was really showing great
Definitely the oldest wine I’ve have from Dugat-Py. Normally these wines are beasts but this has quite a bit more elegance than I was anticipating. Presumably due to the age. Was really showing great
Sep 22nd, 2018
Sap, cherry, sous bois, not too complicated, but has everything I want in a Burgundy
Sap, cherry, sous bois, not too complicated, but has everything I want in a Burgundy
Mar 10th, 2017
I'm starting to think that 07s have shut down...07 has been one of my favorite young Burgundy drinking vintages for a few years, but the last few bottles I've had in the last 6 months or so have seemed blah without a good amount of air...very muted. I really thought this was an off bottle until I decanted and aerated it for a couple hours. After that it really perked up though, showing a lot more flavor and aroma. Very simple though, nothing spectacular... I got this at a steal, and its only marginally worth that price (literally 1/4 of what delectable is showing, ha! Cmon delectable). Well made, don't get me wrong, its just the slowest pony in the Dugat-Py stable :)
I'm starting to think that 07s have shut down...07 has been one of my favorite young Burgundy drinking vintages for a few years, but the last few bottles I've had in the last 6 months or so have seemed blah without a good amount of air...very muted. I really thought this was an off bottle until I decanted and aerated it for a couple hours. After that it really perked up though, showing a lot more flavor and aroma. Very simple though, nothing spectacular... I got this at a steal, and its only marginally worth that price (literally 1/4 of what delectable is showing, ha! Cmon delectable). Well made, don't get me wrong, its just the slowest pony in the Dugat-Py stable :)
Feb 6th, 2016