Rrrrrrrraowr! Mushroom and potting soil, prime rib and rosemary. Get the fudge outta my way! Can’t! Dark chocolate dominates in graphite-plum and agro-tannin cedar, cinnamon and tobacco force the issue and the black currant is AGGRESSIVELY assertive! Got black pepper in white pepper sauce! Iron rich liver grill without the bitter; shellfish shell, prune and blackberry show sour aspects and oak tannins spread the word. Spanish oak and sensibility prevail. Beast and the best of such.
#edulis #spain #spanishwine
Rrrrrrrraowr! Mushroom and potting soil, prime rib and rosemary. Get the fudge outta my way! Can’t! Dark chocolate dominates in graphite-plum and agro-tannin cedar, cinnamon and tobacco force the issue and the black currant is AGGRESSIVELY assertive! Got black pepper in white pepper sauce! Iron rich liver grill without the bitter; shellfish shell, prune and blackberry show sour aspects and oak tannins spread the word. Spanish oak and sensibility prevail. Beast and the best of such.
#edulis #spain #spanishwine
Nov 27th, 2023