Bodegas Terra Sigilata
Filón Calatayud Garnacha
свежая вишня, ежевика, терн, абрикос. Сочное начало, чрезвычайно мощное продолжение - очень много перца, лавровый лист, минералы, кофе, горький шоколад, терпкость сглаживается довольно высоким сахаром. Длинное. Гармонично. 89/100
свежая вишня, ежевика, терн, абрикос. Сочное начало, чрезвычайно мощное продолжение - очень много перца, лавровый лист, минералы, кофе, горький шоколад, терпкость сглаживается довольно высоким сахаром. Длинное. Гармонично. 89/100
Nov 26th, 2017This was the red wine served in a cooking class I took in Seattle. I had already consumed too much food to give this an accurate description on flavor. But it had an unusual, pleasing finish and I’m looking forward to trying it again. It drank smoothly with the Mushroom Ragout and Polenta it was served with—they each complemented the other nicely.
This was the red wine served in a cooking class I took in Seattle. I had already consumed too much food to give this an accurate description on flavor. But it had an unusual, pleasing finish and I’m looking forward to trying it again. It drank smoothly with the Mushroom Ragout and Polenta it was served with—they each complemented the other nicely.
Nov 10th, 2017Nose: wood, dark cherry, sweeter overtones. Taste: well-balanced, medium tannins, woodsy,cherry finish.
Nose: wood, dark cherry, sweeter overtones. Taste: well-balanced, medium tannins, woodsy,cherry finish.
Nov 1st, 2017Don't let the label fool you. This is dull, lacking finish, and overwhelmingly blunt.
Don't let the label fool you. This is dull, lacking finish, and overwhelmingly blunt.
Oct 1st, 2017Good not great. Tasted thin but good house wine
Good not great. Tasted thin but good house wine
May 12th, 2017It's not unpleasant, but it's very alcoholy and boring.
It's not unpleasant, but it's very alcoholy and boring.
Feb 25th, 2017$11 bottle from Whole Foods; perfectly decent everyday red.
$11 bottle from Whole Foods; perfectly decent everyday red.
Dec 31st, 2016