Colin Tuska
Wine Director Prospect
Interesting? Not really sure how I feel about this. Good effort but not sure.
Nathan Kandler
Winemaker Thomas Fogarty Winery
Drink local
Tanner Walle
Michigan Gamay. I ain't scurred. Surprising structure and firmness.
Monica J
A favorite.
Reg McGhee
Decent Michigan red wine, a touch of sour cherry and pinch of pepper. Good with cheese. My second bottle.
Mike Dayton
Better than I expected
Joe Carroll
Owner/Wine Director Spuyten Duyvil, Fette Sau, St. Anselm & Gotham Artisanal Provisions
Joe had this 11 years ago
TG Watkins
TG had this 8 years ago
Tina Hausman
Tina had this 9 years ago
Heather Shouldice
Heather had this 11 years ago