In 1984 I had this wine for the first time, and all the years I kept a so called romantic memory about it. I bought the wine at that time for €15,00. It was in my younger days and unless the poor vintage it tasted well. Recently I was in the opportunity to buy some bottles and I didn’t hesitate. At €30,00 I call it a bargain and the wine is fully satisfying to me and my memories.
In 1984 I had this wine for the first time, and all the years I kept a so called romantic memory about it. I bought the wine at that time for €15,00. It was in my younger days and unless the poor vintage it tasted well. Recently I was in the opportunity to buy some bottles and I didn’t hesitate. At €30,00 I call it a bargain and the wine is fully satisfying to me and my memories.
Dec 14th, 2022