82 Mouton!! Wow. Sublime. Nose of tobacco, cherry bright red fruit. Terrific claret balance in the mouthful. Long Long pretty finish. Not heavy or laden with alcohol. Enough acidity to give it verve. This can easily go another ten years of aging. Not as masculine as a Lafite or Latour nor as floral as a Margaux. A terrific Mouton. Perhaps as good as it gets.
82 Mouton!! Wow. Sublime. Nose of tobacco, cherry bright red fruit. Terrific claret balance in the mouthful. Long Long pretty finish. Not heavy or laden with alcohol. Enough acidity to give it verve. This can easily go another ten years of aging. Not as masculine as a Lafite or Latour nor as floral as a Margaux. A terrific Mouton. Perhaps as good as it gets.
Nov 21st, 2017