Joni Hedgpeth
Unusual, spicy, and bright with cherry, finely tannic, and earthy. Not a California cab at all. Unique
Tastes a bit better than the avg ratings to me. 2013 vintage.
Erica Musser
This was an okay red. Would drink again but didn't love forever. Dont need to buy right now.
Mark H
At Fulham steak restaurant with Matt and Rosie.
Corey Zamora, CSW
Corey had this 9 years ago
Alvin Alves
Alvin had this 6 years ago
Cynthia had this 6 years ago
Amy Weller Quinlan
Amy had this 8 years ago
Francis Benito Odisi
Francis Benito had this 8 years ago
A had this 9 years ago