Tobias Mattsson
Good value
Marcia Hashman
Light wine, enjoyable. The company on the other hand is divine!
Steve Dvorak
Had this one for Christmas in Cali. Wasn't bad, but we liked the cheaper non-conservancy one better.
Harry Boudreaux
Very smooth. A little fruity. Great with steak
Jerry Sieg
Smooth not spicy
Russell Gallas
A Concannon Cabernet Conservancy. Great flair, bouquet, smooth finish. No bite for a Cab. Nice.
Toddy Suherman
Some wine we never had before. I don't think we'll have it again...
Lauren Lemieux
A nice, easy Cabernet
Lundmark Kvarnstrom
Lundmark had this 11 years ago
Mona Wong
Mona had this 10 years ago