Katherine Ollis
Too sweet for me
Angel Eschete
Do not like Strong oak or woodsy taste
Brian Grech
Buttery lactofermentation with light oak and some nuttiness
Floyden Mugford
Oaky crisp acidity
Alias Bot
Very nice! Medium body, fresh, lively, slightly tart with a balanced finish.
Tomer Ben David
מעט מתקתק, 14% (!) שכמעט ולא מורגשים. גוף מלא
Andrew Lampasone
Owner Wine Watch Selections
One of chile' stop Chardonnays
Austin Beeman
Toasty aromatics. Very oak. Even peanut brittle. $23
Shawn Alexander
Nice and light very fruity nose
Louis-Philippe Basque
J'ai accompagné ce vin avec un jambon glacé au sirops d'érable. Trés bon