Daylight Wine Co.

Badgerhound Sonoma Valley Zinfandel

8.42 ratings
-no pro ratings
Sonoma Valley, Sonoma County, California, USA
Lamb, Chicken, Turkey, White Rice, Pasta, Potato, Herbs, Mushrooms, Soft Cheese, Chili & Hot Spicy, Tomato-Based, Duck, Exotic Spices, Beans & Peas, Hard Cheese, Pork, Baking Spices, Pungent Cheese, Beef, Onion, Shallot, Garlic
Top Notes For
Tim Dewhurst

The wine has aromas of cranberry and citrus. Higher acidity brings in a taste of sweet jam, citrus, and light tannins.

The wine has aromas of cranberry and citrus. Higher acidity brings in a taste of sweet jam, citrus, and light tannins.

1 person found it helpfulJan 2nd, 2016
Dawn Wierzbicki

Dawn had this 10 years ago

Dawn had this 10 years ago

1 person found it helpfulJun 12th, 2015