De Martino

Gallardía del Itata Cinsault

8.57 ratings
8.31 pro ratings
Itata Valley, South Region, Chile
Top Notes For
Robbie Ward

Decent enough. Bright and breezy. Nice slightly chilled. Simple but effective

Decent enough. Bright and breezy. Nice slightly chilled. Simple but effective

Aug 11th, 2014
Ivan Izquierdo

Interesante varietal de esta curiosa cepa mediterránea, cultivada en Coelemu a la vera del río Itata, de donde deriva su nombre. Presenta un rojo con tonos ladrillo oscuro y marrones con cierta turbiedad. Distinguido aroma a higos secos y frutas secas en general, que se repiten al paladar. Sabor largo y potente.

Interesante varietal de esta curiosa cepa mediterránea, cultivada en Coelemu a la vera del río Itata, de donde deriva su nombre. Presenta un rojo con tonos ladrillo oscuro y marrones con cierta turbiedad. Distinguido aroma a higos secos y frutas secas en general, que se repiten al paladar. Sabor largo y potente.

Nov 7th, 2015

Estranho. parece pinot noir quando respira.

Estranho. parece pinot noir quando respira.

Mar 15th, 2015
Franz Bauer

Very approachable

Very approachable

Feb 28th, 2015
Chris Edge

Soft tannins, relaxed fruits ok with roast chicken very drinkable

Soft tannins, relaxed fruits ok with roast chicken very drinkable

Jul 2nd, 2017
Tara Rowland

Tara had this 9 years ago

Tara had this 9 years ago

Feb 23rd, 2016
Carey Price

Carey had this 10 years ago

Carey had this 10 years ago

Feb 28th, 2015
Shane Lennox

Shane had this 11 years ago

Shane had this 11 years ago

Aug 11th, 2014