Because everyone should drink port before noon on a Sunday, that's why. And a nice one this is. Pleasant thick dark fruit up front, Sweet Mother Alcohol coming through to remind you you're about to be on the impaired side of the equation. A good lingering of dark fruit finishes things off well.
Because everyone should drink port before noon on a Sunday, that's why. And a nice one this is. Pleasant thick dark fruit up front, Sweet Mother Alcohol coming through to remind you you're about to be on the impaired side of the equation. A good lingering of dark fruit finishes things off well.
May 19th, 2019
Ignore the year on the pic; twas a stock photo. Sweet Raisin, rum, dark clinging fruit and jam, dear Sweet Mother; golly gee I loves me some port.
Ignore the year on the pic; twas a stock photo. Sweet Raisin, rum, dark clinging fruit and jam, dear Sweet Mother; golly gee I loves me some port.
Apr 8th, 2017