A biodynamic Pouilly Fume producer. People will either love or hate this wine. I'm the former, my wife the latter. The late harvest and time on the skins are evident in the pale orange color. Strong notes of ripened pineapple and honey. Well structured with a persistent finish.
A biodynamic Pouilly Fume producer. People will either love or hate this wine. I'm the former, my wife the latter. The late harvest and time on the skins are evident in the pale orange color. Strong notes of ripened pineapple and honey. Well structured with a persistent finish.
Jun 25th, 2017
Little too oxidized style... once you pass that there is a very soft nose, body and and redial sugar .... but acid is a little harsh
Little too oxidized style... once you pass that there is a very soft nose, body and and redial sugar .... but acid is a little harsh
Sep 20th, 2018
6 November 2016. RAW Wine NYC, Brooklyn, NY.
6 November 2016. RAW Wine NYC, Brooklyn, NY.
Nov 8th, 2016