Robert Krupp
Everything I want from Jamet in a bottle I can afford. Meaty Rhone goodness
Byron Fuller
Young. Bit meaty but very perfumed. Better in 2-3 years, maybe excellent.
Joe Weinberger
Needs time but still showed well with a decant. The perfect amount of delicious Rhône funk.
Brooke Gannon
Andy Goodson
Smooth, light, airy, soft on the tongue while maintaining a crisp yet dry finish. Really very pleasant!
Derek Baker
Derek had this 2 years ago
Ed Motta
Ed had this 3 years ago
Alan Snitow
Alan had this 3 years ago
Joakim Sarnstedt
Joakim had this 4 years ago
Victor Torra
Victor had this 4 years ago