Dragonette, always and forever a best. They make slightly lighter Pinots but this one has some oomph. This is the wine of a Pinot grape that clawed it’s way to the top. Both structure and flavor-wise it’s a heavy hitter...for a Pinot. All of which to say dried cherries in vanilla essence and you went to a party and found out there would be a “conversation” about something serious as you dipped into the wine. It is not serious and also serious. Dragonette always has my heart.
Dragonette, always and forever a best. They make slightly lighter Pinots but this one has some oomph. This is the wine of a Pinot grape that clawed it’s way to the top. Both structure and flavor-wise it’s a heavy hitter...for a Pinot. All of which to say dried cherries in vanilla essence and you went to a party and found out there would be a “conversation” about something serious as you dipped into the wine. It is not serious and also serious. Dragonette always has my heart.
Jan 25th, 2020
Strawberries, balanced, subtle oak
Strawberries, balanced, subtle oak
Jan 18th, 2021