Tasted blind. Reddish tawny and young looking. Intense nose. Notes of raspberry, rhubarb, camphor, mocha, Asian spice and dark soil. Rich and intense in the mouth. We’re told this was given lots of air – which led guesses to be red burg more in the late 90s or 00’s. The reveal was exciting as none of us have had a bottle from this vigneron before. Super high quality juice, still on it’s upward climb. This juice will be around, giving pleasure to those that have it, for another decade or two and will undoubtedly improve with more age.
Tasted blind. Reddish tawny and young looking. Intense nose. Notes of raspberry, rhubarb, camphor, mocha, Asian spice and dark soil. Rich and intense in the mouth. We’re told this was given lots of air – which led guesses to be red burg more in the late 90s or 00’s. The reveal was exciting as none of us have had a bottle from this vigneron before. Super high quality juice, still on it’s upward climb. This juice will be around, giving pleasure to those that have it, for another decade or two and will undoubtedly improve with more age.
Mar 21st, 2021