Evan Frazier
Owner/Winemaker Ferdinand Wines
Does this wine exist? if it did it would be Unendlich 2002.
John Van Trijp
Impressive as always
Ulf Brinkmann
9,2 with possibilities for improvement. Will improve with age !!!
Wil Demandt
Olivia Noren
A little too hot for me...sorry
Mike Ancuta
Don't make this every year. Stone fruit, floral, citrus. Really nice acidity on the finish. It was a treat to have this rarity.
Björnstierne Antonson
Björnstierne had this 11 years ago
Eric Hoepelman
Eric had this 9 months ago
Dick Schinkel
Dick had this 5 years ago
Freek Welter
Freek had this 7 years ago