Can't go wrong for a quaffable riseling at 15 bucks a bottle in a table cloth restaurant. Patagonia Riesling leaves something to be desired. It's not very nice in the mouth and mostly just a simple dry white but fun to try something new. Initially served a little cold as it warms up a little more formal. Oddly high alc at 13.4 even from a cool part of Argentina
Can't go wrong for a quaffable riseling at 15 bucks a bottle in a table cloth restaurant. Patagonia Riesling leaves something to be desired. It's not very nice in the mouth and mostly just a simple dry white but fun to try something new. Initially served a little cold as it warms up a little more formal. Oddly high alc at 13.4 even from a cool part of Argentina
May 28th, 2017