The slightest tint of rosé in the glass. Smells like the better qualities of champagne- roses and grapefruit pith. Refreshing acidity and tartness (too much tartness for the American pallette?) and there is no denying that minerality. For my friend Shin there are even 'hints of strawberry' in the long finish.
I have a real soft spot for the Ahr regions slate wines. And all for €11 a bottle.
The slightest tint of rosé in the glass. Smells like the better qualities of champagne- roses and grapefruit pith. Refreshing acidity and tartness (too much tartness for the American pallette?) and there is no denying that minerality. For my friend Shin there are even 'hints of strawberry' in the long finish.
I have a real soft spot for the Ahr regions slate wines. And all for €11 a bottle.
Jun 6th, 2023