Conrad Green
Green apple, white flowers, a hint of limestone and soft stone fruit. A whiff of gasoline. Settled and delicious and balanced.
A slightly stinky nose. Bracing and clean acidity. Very pure. Electric.
Marty Winters
Dade Thieriot
A fine 2001 that is amazingly young and has years to go! #Goldcap #Riesling #auction #VDP #Karthäuserhof #Auslese
Sunshine in an apple orchard
Sabel Kaminski
Eitelsbacher Karthauserhofberg
Stefan Östlund
Stefan had this 5 years ago
Will Gossip
Will had this 11 years ago
Alan Cohn
Alan had this 10 years ago
Alan Snitow
Alan had this 11 years ago