Courtney DeWalt
Andrew Karn
Fruity/floral bouquet on nose. Light floral to the taste and a surprisingly dry finish
Yury Khramov
Поджаренное 2015 годом вино, с неизменно мягким, сбалансированным вкусом к ярким необычным блюдам азиатской, Индийской кухни..
Dean Lapthorne
Ripe fruit, peach and lemongrass. Good formz
Mariana Heavey
Mariana had this 8 years ago
Dima Lamex
Dima had this 4 years ago
Andreas Patzlsperger
Andreas had this 7 years ago
George Khuroshvili
George had this 7 years ago
Guido Perrella
Guido had this 8 years ago