Lakefront Brewing Inc.
Riverwest Stein Beer

A brewer who names his beer after Milwaukee neighborhoods. They joke that they sell as much beer as miller brewing spills.
Copper color, tan head that disappears quickly leaving lacing behind.
Taste of brown bread, rich malt, grassy hops come thru on finish.
Note from brewmaster on carton says " use your senses when drinking this beer, including your common sense".
A nice craft lager beer, I paid $8.50 for a six pack.
Milwaukee, Wi. U.S.A. 5.6% ABV.
A brewer who names his beer after Milwaukee neighborhoods. They joke that they sell as much beer as miller brewing spills.
Copper color, tan head that disappears quickly leaving lacing behind.
Taste of brown bread, rich malt, grassy hops come thru on finish.
Note from brewmaster on carton says " use your senses when drinking this beer, including your common sense".
A nice craft lager beer, I paid $8.50 for a six pack.
Milwaukee, Wi. U.S.A. 5.6% ABV.