New Years Wine so I am sure I am over rating it a tad just because I am in such a good mood ... The nose is loaded with raisins and prunes and a wonderful hint of tea leaf, the palate is clean and focused like a "A" student prepping for the SAT's. The wine finishes with some flowers crushed up and a hint of cherry liquor. Solid and Yummy happy #2015
New Years Wine so I am sure I am over rating it a tad just because I am in such a good mood ... The nose is loaded with raisins and prunes and a wonderful hint of tea leaf, the palate is clean and focused like a "A" student prepping for the SAT's. The wine finishes with some flowers crushed up and a hint of cherry liquor. Solid and Yummy happy #2015
Jan 1st, 2015
Tät mörk frukt, brända kaffetoner, katrinplommon, fortfarande tydliga tanniner men ganska silkiga. Gott till Janssons frestelse och julfint.
Tät mörk frukt, brända kaffetoner, katrinplommon, fortfarande tydliga tanniner men ganska silkiga. Gott till Janssons frestelse och julfint.
Dec 25th, 2018