Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Green apple, chamomile tea, and a touch of white flowers. Fabulous acidity and a hint of waxy texture. Give me a sunny porch and an ice cold bottle. Thanks @danpetroski
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Green apple, chamomile tea, and a touch of white flowers. Fabulous acidity and a hint of waxy texture. Give me a sunny porch and an ice cold bottle. Thanks @danpetroski
1 person found it helpfulJul 14th, 2020
Steely salinity, white peach, and potpourri. Good balance.
Steely salinity, white peach, and potpourri. Good balance.
1 person found it helpfulMar 19th, 2019
Found a 2017 in the cellar... not a problem! Still clear, light lemon yellow...floral and citrus notes on the nose. Beautiful snuggly weight on the palate and such balance and between minerals, gravel, and floral fruit. I love these blends...this is 55% Ribolla, 39% Tocai Friulano, and 6% Chardonnay. This wine sings with summer meals but it slides down effortlessly all by itself.
Found a 2017 in the cellar... not a problem! Still clear, light lemon yellow...floral and citrus notes on the nose. Beautiful snuggly weight on the palate and such balance and between minerals, gravel, and floral fruit. I love these blends...this is 55% Ribolla, 39% Tocai Friulano, and 6% Chardonnay. This wine sings with summer meals but it slides down effortlessly all by itself.
May 17th, 2020