As some said, whimsical wine ! Magnum. Started well after an hour of decanting, but then came out flat and boring . Highly unexpected for a Miner , ‘13 no less .
As some said, whimsical wine ! Magnum. Started well after an hour of decanting, but then came out flat and boring . Highly unexpected for a Miner , ‘13 no less .
Jul 5th, 2021
We loved this wine a lot and it's a treat since it's $99 a bottle 😃. No aftertaste, smell vanilla, taste berries and licorice. Paired well with a turkey breast and a caramelized sweet potatoes. Dark violet color and floral sent. Love it and it’s potent at 14.5%.
We loved this wine a lot and it's a treat since it's $99 a bottle 😃. No aftertaste, smell vanilla, taste berries and licorice. Paired well with a turkey breast and a caramelized sweet potatoes. Dark violet color and floral sent. Love it and it’s potent at 14.5%.
Feb 10th, 2020