Tried the ‘21 Gaps Crown, this bottle being a good six months from last we tried - and it is clearly rounding into form. From the looks of it- the how is a Cab. As in: ‘did I open the right bottle?’ Kind of double-take. But the second you breathe it in and take a few sips, well; you’ll find yourself back at the same question that you have an inclination has so-far gone unsolved. This is the third bottle we’ve opened of the same wine & vintag; some three months apart. To put a fine point on it: it’s from high-end stock that’s starting to come into its prime. And what a prime is be.
Tried the ‘21 Gaps Crown, this bottle being a good six months from last we tried - and it is clearly rounding into form. From the looks of it- the how is a Cab. As in: ‘did I open the right bottle?’ Kind of double-take. But the second you breathe it in and take a few sips, well; you’ll find yourself back at the same question that you have an inclination has so-far gone unsolved. This is the third bottle we’ve opened of the same wine & vintag; some three months apart. To put a fine point on it: it’s from high-end stock that’s starting to come into its prime. And what a prime is be.
Jul 11th, 2024