2nd best Oakridge Chardonnay to their 864 but punching well above its weight. Fuller creamier palate than some of the leaner burnt match styles from David Bicknell. Very good 17.5+. Drank another one 2 years later on 26 March 2017. A bit of whole bunch funk. Citrus notes but filling out on the palate to be medium bodied and delicious. Impressive. Would give it 92 points now.
2nd best Oakridge Chardonnay to their 864 but punching well above its weight. Fuller creamier palate than some of the leaner burnt match styles from David Bicknell. Very good 17.5+. Drank another one 2 years later on 26 March 2017. A bit of whole bunch funk. Citrus notes but filling out on the palate to be medium bodied and delicious. Impressive. Would give it 92 points now.
Jan 23rd, 2015