Nose: Insipid immediately after opening - nothing here save a bit of barnyard, which diminishes. Is she corked? Where are the wine aromas? <-- generally suggests cork taint. With a good bit of swirling and time I find faint dusty black currant bud. No, not corked, just lame. Some alcohol on the nose, maybe just because I'm inhaling so damn hard trying to find something here.
Nose: Insipid immediately after opening - nothing here save a bit of barnyard, which diminishes. Is she corked? Where are the wine aromas? <-- generally suggests cork taint. With a good bit of swirling and time I find faint dusty black currant bud. No, not corked, just lame. Some alcohol on the nose, maybe just because I'm inhaling so damn hard trying to find something here.
Feb 6th, 2013